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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAggregateOfAggregateOf is a domain that combines multiple inner domains into a tuple or aggregate type
 CArbitraryArbitrary is a domain that generates random values of a given type
 CArbitrary< bool >
 CArbitrary< const T, 2 >
 CArbitrary< std::pair< T, U >, 1 >
 CArbitrary< std::tuple< T... >, 1 >
 CArbitrary< T, 0 >
 CArbitrary< T, 1, is_modifiable< T > >
 CArbitrary< T, 2, is_float_point< T > >
 CArbitrary< T, 2, is_signed_int< T > >
 CArbitrary< T, 2, is_string< T > >
 CArbitrary< T, 2, is_unsigned_int< T > >
 Cassert_infoThis is a one-byte assert info struct, which is used to collect the meta info of an assertion
 CAssertionDataAssertionData is a struct that contains all the information of an assertion. It will be thrown as an exception when the assertion failed
 CBenchmarkBenchmark create a core object for configuration of a benchmark. This class is a driver to run multiple times of a benchmark. Each time of a run will generate a row of data. Report will print the data in console
 CBenchResultBenchResult is a result of running the benchmark
 CCardCard defines a display range in the console
 CCombinationalTestCombinationalTest is a class that is used to cross test a few lists of arguments. One example
 CContainerOfBaseContainerOf is a domain that generates random containers filled with elements from an inner domain
 CDomainDomain class for generating random values of a specific type
 CDomainConvertableDomainConvertable is a base class for domains that can be converted to and from a ValueType
 CElementOfElementOf is a domain that generates random values from a fixed set of elements
 CFuzzTestFuzzTest is a template class to create a fuzz test for the target function
 CFuzzTestWithDomainFuzzTestWithDomain implements the Base class with the domain passed into
 CIContextScopeContextScope is a helper class created in each basic block where you use INFO(). The context scope can has lazy evaluated function F(std::ostream&) that is called when the assertation is failed
 CInRangeInRange is a domain that generates random values within a specified range
 CIReporterIReporter is an interface that is used to report the test results. You can create a new reporter by inheriting this class and implementing the virtual functions. The following events will be called once it happens during testing
 CIRObjectInterface for serializable objects
 Clast< T1 >
 CLogInfoLogInfo is a struct to store the meta data of the log message
 CLogIteratorLogIterator is a class to iterate the log messages
 CLogMessageLogMessage is a class to store the log message
 CLogMessageImplLogMessageImpl is the implementation of the LogMessage
 CLogStreamLogStream is a class to manage the log messages
 CPerfCountSetPerfCountSet is a set of performance counters
 CPerformanceCounterPerformanceCounter is a class to measure the performance of a function
 CPrinterA functor class Printer for printing a value of any type
 CrankRank is a helper class for Printer to define the priority of overloaded functions
 Crank< 0 >
 CSubCaseSubCase is a class that holds the subcase information
 CTableTable is used to generate a table with configurable style
 CTestArgsTestArgs is a class that is used to store the test arguments
 CTestCaseTestCase is a class that holds the test case information. There are several fields that are used to store the test case information
 CTestContextTestContext is a class that holds the test results and reporter context. There are 8 different matrices that are used to store the test results
 CUnitTestUnitTest is a class that holds the test configuration. There are several options that can be set to configure the test