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ZeroErr can be used in two ways. One is to download the zeroerr.hpp file directly. This file packages all the header files and implementations. You can put it in your project directory for direct reference and use the ZEROERR_IMPLEMENTATION macro to enable it in a source file that references zeroerr.hpp. In this way, all the implementation parts can be placed in the compilation unit.

#include "zeroerr.hpp"

Another way is to use CMake, which references this repository as a CMake subproject, so that you can reference the required header files as needed. For example, if you reference zeroerr/assert.h separately, you can introduce the assertion library part. But you need to link the compiled library libzeroerr.a at the end.

Next, we will use some simple examples to illustrate how to use the framework.

Unit Testing

TEST_CASE Macro is the most basic macro to define a unit test. If you are familiar with catch2 or doctest, you should be very familiar with this marco. We give the test a name and then write the test code in the following function body.

int fib(int n) {
REQUIRE(n >= 0, "n must be non-negative");
REQUIRE(n < 20, "n must be less than 20");
if (n <= 2) {
return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
TEST_CASE("fib function test") {
CHECK(fib(0) == 0);
CHECK(fib(1) == 1);
CHECK(fib(2) == 1);
CHECK(fib(3) == 2);
CHECK(fib(4) == 3);
CHECK(fib(5) == 5);
#define CHECK(...)
Definition: assert.h:151
#define REQUIRE(...)
Definition: assert.h:154
#define TEST_CASE(name)
Definition: unittest.h:17

CHECK Macro provides the function of checking an expression. Since we did not calculate fib(0) correctly here, we will get the following output:

[WARN 2023-05-10 16:15:44 1.basic.cpp:44] Assertion Failed:
fib(0) == 0 expands to 1 == 0
#define WARN(...)
Definition: log.h:62
Definition: benchmark.cpp:17

Here after the error, the test time, the wrong file, line number, assertion expression, and what it looks like after expansion will be printed automatically. These information can intuitively let people know where the error is, and can find the error point for troubleshooting.

The similar macros are REQUIRE and ASSERT, but these three macros have different exception levels. CHECK means detection, if an error occurs, the following code will continue to execute. REQUIRE means a more serious error, there is no need to continue executing after an error occurs, an exception will be thrown, and the information of Error level will be displayed in the log. ASSERT means a fatal error, if it occurs, the code cannot continue to execute, which will cause the program to crash.

The above three macros can directly detect simple expressions, but they contain a certain overhead. We also provide a lighter set of macros to achieve the same function (REQUIRE and ASSERT are the same):


logging system provides a set of macros to record events. It is divided into five levels:

  • LOG represent daily events, normal record of what happened
  • WARN represent warning, there may be events that need attention in the current system
  • ERROR represent error, unexpected problems have occurred in the current system
  • FATAL represent fatal error, which causes the current system to shut down immediately

Those macroes are used in a similar way:

LOG("message {n1} {n2}", data1, ...)
#define LOG(...)
Definition: log.h:61

First is the format string of the message. This string must be the original string of type const char*, it cannot be converted from string, or constructed by yourself, because the address of this string will also be used to index the location where the LOG occurred.

{n1} represents a parameter of any type, and the name is n1. The reason for this design is that log is generally used to record the occurrence of some events. If we immediately format the string and write the log to the file, it will often consume a certain amount of time. However, if we just record the parameters, the efficiency can be greatly improved. Setting a name can also facilitate the retrieval of log data, so as to quickly find the required log entries in the system.

LOG_IF conditional log, can be used like this:

LOG_IF(condition, "message {n1} {n2}", data1, ...)
#define LOG_IF(cond,...)
Definition: log.h:78

LOG_EVERY_ For every N times, log once, will log at loop 1, 1+N, 1+2N, ...

LOG_EVERY_(N, "message {n1} {n2}", data1, ...)
#define LOG_EVERY_(n,...)
Definition: log.h:96

LOG_IF_EVERY_ is a combination of the above two

LOG_IF_EVERY_(N, condition, "message {n1} {n2}", data1, ...)
#define LOG_IF_EVERY_(n, cond,...)
Definition: log.h:113

LOG_FIRST only record the first time it runs here

LOG_FIRST("message {n1} {n2}", data1, ...)
#define LOG_FIRST(cond,...)
Definition: log.h:128


We provided a quite easy way to enable fuzzing in your unit testing. libFuzzer is a libray for coverage-guided fuzz testing we supports. This framework can help you quick customize the seeds, data range to narrow down your fuzz input and run it in your unit testing.

One simple example could be like:

FUZZ_TEST_CASE("fuzz_test") {
FUZZ_FUNC([=](int k, std::string num) {
int t = atoi(num.c_str());
LOG("k: {k}, num: {num}, t: {t}", k, num, t);
REQUIRE(k == t);
.WithDomains(InRange<int>(0, 10), Arbitrary<std::string>())
.WithSeeds({{5, "Foo"}, {10, "Bar"}})
#define FUZZ_FUNC(func)
Definition: fuzztest.h:31
#define FUZZ_TEST_CASE(name)
Definition: fuzztest.h:29

Then, the framework will use the seeds you give and the domains you set for the target function to run test.