▼Nzeroerr | |
►Ndetail | |
CXmlEncode | |
►CXmlWriter | |
CScopedElement | |
Ccontext_helper | |
Ccontext_helper< T, true > | |
Ccontext_helper< T, false > | |
CFunctionDecomposition | FunctionDecomposition is a meta function to decompose the function type. The ValueType and numOfArgs will be the result of the decomposition |
Cmemfun_type | |
Cmemfun_type< Ret(Class::*)(Args...) const > | |
Calways_false | |
Calways_true | |
Cseq | |
Cgen_seq | |
Cgen_seq< 0, Is... > | |
Cis_specialization | |
Cis_specialization< Ref< Args... >, Ref > | |
Cis_streamable | |
Cis_streamable< S, T, has_stream_operator< S, T > > | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container< T, has_begin_end< T > > | |
Cis_associative_container | |
Cis_associative_container< T, has_begin_end_find_insert< T > > | |
Cis_string | |
Cis_array | |
Cis_array< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >()[0])> > | |
Cele_type_is_pair | |
Cele_type_is_pair< T, has_pair_type< T > > | |
Cto_store_type | |
Cto_store_type< const char * > | |
Cto_store_type< const char(&)[]> | |
Cto_store_type< T &, is_not_array< T > > | |
Cto_store_type< T && > | |
Cvisit_impl | |
Cvisit_impl< 0 > | |
Cvisit2_impl | |
Cvisit2_impl< 0 > | |
Chas_extension | Has_extension is a type trait to check if user defined PrinterExt for a type |
Chas_extension< T, has_printer_ext< T > > | |
CregTest | RegTest is a class that is used to register the test case. It will be used as global variables and the constructor will be called to register the test case |
CregReporter | RegReporter is a class that is used to register the reporter. It will be used as global variables and the constructor will be called to register the reporter |
CBenchState | |
CDataBlock | |
CFileLogger | |
CFileCache | |
CDirectoryLogger | |
COStreamLogger | |
CStyleManager | |
CFilters | |
CConsoleReporter | |
►CXmlReporter | |
CTestCaseTemp | |
Cassert_info | This is a one-byte assert info struct, which is used to collect the meta info of an assertion |
CAssertionData | AssertionData is a struct that contains all the information of an assertion. It will be thrown as an exception when the assertion failed |
CPerfCountSet | PerfCountSet is a set of performance counters |
CPerformanceCounter | PerformanceCounter is a class to measure the performance of a function |
CBenchResult | BenchResult is a result of running the benchmark |
CBenchmark | Benchmark create a core object for configuration of a benchmark. This class is a driver to run multiple times of a benchmark. Each time of a run will generate a row of data. Report will print the data in console |
Clast | |
Clast< T1 > | |
►CAggregateOf | |
CGetTupleDomainMapValue | |
CArbitrary | |
CArbitrary< bool > | |
CArbitrary< T, is_unsigned_int< T > > | |
CArbitrary< T, is_signed_int< T > > | |
CArbitrary< T, is_float_point< T > > | |
CArbitrary< T, is_string< T > > | |
CArbitrary< T, is_modifable< T > > | |
CArbitrary< std::pair< T, U > > | |
CArbitrary< std::tuple< T... > > | |
CArbitrary< const T > | |
CContainerOfBase | |
CAssociativeContainerOf | |
CSequenceContainerOf | |
CDomain | Domain class for generating random values of a specific type |
CDomainConvertable | |
CElementOf | |
CInRange | |
CFuzzTest | FuzzTest is a template class to create a fuzz test for the target function |
CFuzzTestWithDomain | FuzzTestWithDomain implements the Base class with the domain passed into |
CIFuzzTest | |
CFuzzFinishedException | |
CTerminalSize | |
Cdeferred_false | |
CExprResult | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionDecomposer | |
CIMatcher | |
CIMatcherRef | |
CCombinedMatcher | |
CNotMatcher | |
CStartWithMatcher | |
CRng | |
►CIRObject | |
CChildrens | |
CLogInfo | LogInfo is a struct to store the meta data of the log message |
CLogMessage | LogMessage is a class to store the log message |
►CLogMessageImpl | LogMessageImpl is the implementation of the LogMessage |
CGetTuplePtr | |
CPrintTupleData | |
CLogger | |
CPushResult | |
CLogIterator | LogIterator is a class to iterate the log messages |
CLogStream | LogStream is a class to manage the log messages |
CIContextScope | ContextScope is a helper class created in each basic block where you use INFO(). The context scope can has lazy evaluated function F(std::ostream&) that is called when the assertation is failed |
CContextScope | |
Crank | Rank is a helper class for Printer to define the priority of overloaded functions |
Crank< 0 > | |
CPrinter | A functor class Printer for printing a value of any type |
CCard | Card defines a display range in the console |
►CTable | Table is used to generate a table with configurable style |
CConfig | Config is used to configure the table style how it is displayed |
CStyle | Style is used to define the border style of the table |
CTestContext | TestContext is a class that holds the test results and reporter context. There are 8 different matrices that are used to store the test results |
CUnitTest | UnitTest is a class that holds the test configuration. There are several options that can be set to configure the test |
CTestCase | TestCase is a class that holds the test case information. There are several fields that are used to store the test case information |
CSubCase | SubCase is a class that holds the subcase information |
CTestedObjects | |
CIReporter | IReporter is an interface that is used to report the test results. You can create a new reporter by inheriting this class and implementing the virtual functions. The following events will be called once it happens during testing |
CCombinationalTest | CombinationalTest is a class that is used to cross test a few lists of arguments. One example |
CTestArgs | TestArgs is a class that is used to store the test arguments |